Chester County Library System
The Chester County Library System was organized in 1965 to serve Chester County’s 760 square miles, 15 boroughs, 57 townships, 1 city, 14 school districts and 498,886 residents according to the 2010 census.
It is a federated system made up of 16 member libraries with 18 library facilities. It is overseen by a seven member Board of Trustees appointed by the Chester County Commissioners.
The Chester County Library, a county-owned institution with one branch, serves as the system headquarters and is also designated as the District Center for a state-defined library district congruent with the county borders.
Member Libraries maintain their own governance boards and receive support from varied sources, including the municipalities in their service area, corporations and the public. Additionally, many have volunteer opportunities, friends groups and foundations/trusts. Please contact your Library to learn how you can support them.
The Chester County Library System has been a part of the Chesconet community for many years. Being a smaller IT outfit, we have benefited greatly from their insight and tech support. I would consider them more than an ISP because of the assistance they provide with hardware upgrades and software updates. Chesconet is continuously future proofing their network. They hold regular “user group” meetings to get customer input on additional service features. With Chesconet, we are made to feel like a partner and not just another customer!
Tony Wagner
Computer Services Manager, Chester County Library System