24-Hour On-Call Monitoring
Our team is on-call to monitor your network 24 hours a day. Through your customer dashboard, you’ll have access to the cell phone number of a network engineer who can help you directly, day or night.
A stone’s throw away
You’ll know your Chesconet technician by name, and by face, because we’re based right in your community. We can talk with you by phone or email, sure – but we’ll also make house calls. Headquartered in Downingtown, PA, we’re just a short drive from your location. We’ll meet you onsite at a specific appointment time that’s convenient for you – never a 4-hour “service window.”
Reach an engineer, not an agent
We know you don’t have time to be transferred from person to person in search of help, or to navigate a DIY diagnostic wizard. So our experienced network engineers are the people you’ll speak to directly when you call us for support. We’re standing by, 24 hours a day, to answer your call.